Significance of hand sanitizer placement in the workplace

Before the pandemic, all of us were quite oblivious to hand hygiene. We knew the significance of washing hands after using the bathroom but gave little thought to various other pathogens present on our hands or on the surface.

Now that we are more aware of these viruses and how it spreads, it is safe to say that the workplace environment is also another place for them to thrive. Every time employees shake hands, pick up a pen, file a report, use doors - there is a huge chance that these virus particles will transfer from one person to another, either directly or indirectly (through the hard surface).

To prevent the spread of the virus, an ideal fix to these problems would be to place portable hand sanitizers at the office, particularly in high traffic areas.

Some of the places that you can place hand wash sanitizers are:

  • Entry and exit
  • Furniture and doors are a hotbed for germs, so it would be a wise idea to place hand rub sanitizer at the main entrance and exit doors of your building. Not to forget the key internal doorways like the entrance to the restrooms and meeting rooms.

  • Employee desks
  • Laptops, phones, desks, all of these are key germ transfer points as employees touch them the most. Considering that employees spend the most time at their desks, work, eat and drink there, thus it becomes the “Minefield of viruses” that can stay on the surface for up to three days. So positioning individual hand sanitizer at desks will constantly remind employees to use it and keep their hands germ-free.

  • Elevators
  • When you take the elevator, you touch the buttons that provide lots of crevices for germs to hide, even if they are cleaned on a regular basis. Make sure to strategically place the sanitizer right next to the elevator as it reduces the chances of contamination.

  • Cafeterias and break room
  • Hand hygiene should be the top priority where food is prepared or consumed. People come together in groups or alone to eat. That is why it is considered to be one of the most germ-ridden places at an office. Hence, make sure to up the ante on cleaning and you can achieve that by placing a hand sanitizer to further minimize the risk of spreading germs.

  • Meeting rooms
  • People from your organization or even outside the organization come together and discuss things in the meeting room. Thus, making it a high-risk environment when talking about spreading germs. Put the hand sanitizer station outside the door or even at the table.


    Workers should encourage each other to use hand sanitizers more frequently to maintain a healthy and safe workplace. Furthermore, for the safety of others, employees should be reminded that if they are not well then they should stay at home.

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